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What sort of game would you like to play in?

a) Combats (TTG 1), (WKG 1), (IIRC 1)
b) Intellectual Puzzles (TTG 2
c) Social Situation (TTG 3
d) Ethical Dilemmas (TTG 4
e) Political Machinations (TTG 5

What sort of adventures do you prefer?

a) Complex plots that we only understand at all at the end of the campaign
b) Simple one off adventures with no plot arch
c) Loosely related adventures with a plot arch
d) Plot arch that unfold step by step but always make some sense
e) Adventures that allow me to progress my character, dam with a plot arch

How much control over you characters focus do you want?

a) I will push him centre state when give the chance
b) I would like an opportunity for the character to shine
c) Sometime I would like to be pushed into the centre stage
d) I never want to be centre stage
e) I will hide behind everyone, please don't even give me a bit part

Do you prefer the game to be?

a) A complete challenge
b) A fun evening with friends
c) Should be taken very seriously
d) Leave work at the door
e) Rules is rules - don't mess with them!

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Last edited September 25, 2003 2:50 pm by DaveF (diff)