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Ref: NewGallo / DragonStar / OffDET111

The Office of Deaths, Exploration & Treasure

 Session:  111 - Wednesday 29th May 2002
 Referee:  Tim "The Mechanic" Evans
 Title:    Back to the Future / 3
 Author:   Tim Evans
 Previous: OffDET110
 Next:     OffDET112

CD/176-177 = 10th - 11th of 7th Month in Year Zero


        Filthy Ike - Half Orc/M - Barbarian/2 - CN

        Silverbark = Elf/M = Cleric/3 = N

        [Calmert of Highfolk]? = Half Elf/M = Ranger/3 = LN

        [Lady Rhyad de Grances]? = Elf/F = Paladin/3 = LG

Encounters: (825 Each)

    6x Gnoll
    1x Large Safe Deposit Box
    1x Strange Stone Plate

Trophies: (0N each)

    Stange Stone Plate (Rhyad)


The party were settling in for a bit of a rest, when they heard some large explosions coming from the north. They decide to investigate. Heading north they hear a few more explosions, and then all is quite. The party get close to the large tower, when they see a body lying on the ground, they approach, and see that it is a Gnoll who has been hit by something that has burned a hole though his body. The party look round the corner of the building and see a few more bodies leading up to one of the entrances to the big building, they have all been killed in the same way. The party creep into the building, and just inside the doorway is a large dead humanoid, and across the they can see a strange 3 legged Monster / Contraption most of the party hide, and Silverbark approaches it. It does not move or react to Silverbark, it is close to the doors to the strange moving room. Silverbark pokes and prods it a bit, which causes it to spit fire, at the wall making a hole it it. After a few more pokes the decide it is safe to move it. They carry it to the building opposite and hide it. They then return to the large building, and decide to climb up, and get a better view of the Gnoll compound, but as they reach the second floor, they spot and group of Gnolls with a group of Elves who are pulling a trolly, and they are heading for the dead bodies. The party decide to confront the Gnolls and get them to release the Elves. Ryhad says on the first floor to give covering fire, and the go to confront the Gnoll's. Filthy shouts at the Gnoll's for them to release the Elves, and Rhyad fires a warning shot. This provokes the Gnoll's into attacking. It is a close fight with two of the party being knocked unconscious before Ryhad prevails with the bow. The party then release the elves. And Silverbark speaking brokenly to the Elves offer to escort them back to the Elves compound. The Elves thank the party but decline there kind offer, and move off. The party follow, once the Elves spot the fact that they are being followed, they go into a building and stop. They party then approach them again, and offer to escort them again, yet again they refuse, so the party decide to leave, they party then head at full speed to the entrance to the Elf compound, and hide in the cubicle next to the one with the entrance. When the released elves arrive and are in the process of opening the entrance, they poke there heads in and say 'Boo', and then leave. They decide to head back to the Bank, and investigate the Large Box. The party spend some time struggling with the door, while they are doing this Silverbark is upstairs mediating. Filthy and Calmert eventually open the door, revealing a large box inside, they pull the box out and open the lid. It is full of a strange white material, the party poke it and it seems unthreatening, so the big to pull it out, in the middle of the material they find a 6" x 6" x 6" Wooden box. Ryhad opens the lid to reveal a rectangular stone 8" x 6" x 1", that is made of a red and white marble like stone, and it has a 1" circular whole in the center. As the box is opened Silverbark hears the strange voice in his head once again, say 'Ah One step closer only a few more steps to go' Silverbark rushes down stair to see what the party has recovered. The party then have a heated discussion about what should be done with the stone, but as it is late they decide to put it back in the large metal box, and decide in the morning. During Silverbark's sleep, Rhyad and Filthy discus why Silverbark came rushing down stairs at the time he did, and decide that he may be possessed by the voice, so decide to test this theory in the morning. So Rhyad quitely takes the Plate out of the safety deposit box, and hide it on her person, and then returns the safety deposit box to the wall. In the morning Ryhad announces that the party has decide to leave the box, in the bank, Silverbark says this is not a good idea. After much going round in circles and attacking each others beliefs, Rhyad proposes that they Take the safty deposit box back to the Terminus, Silerbark corrects her and says Plate. The party then return to the Terminus, where the argument starts again, with Rhyad not wanting the new Plate, and Silverbark's strange stone to both be in New Gallo at the same time, so they send Calmert back to tell the Governor of there progress. The Governor ask Calmert if the plate is of the same material as the strange stone found some time ago, Calmert is not sure so returns to find out. The party look at the two items and they are of a similar colouration, which makes Rhyad even more determined that the two items should not be taken to New Gallo.

Sheriff Sir Karl Tsukin OGE <sheriff@newgallo.net>, The Office of New Gallo Law Enforcement and Aggressive Defence

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