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Ref: MedievalGame - 3rd Sept 2000

The group travelled back to town with the prisoners and learnt about an old citadel deep within the Barren Lands from an old Master of the Holy Word. The prisoners "interrogation" didn't really show up too much apart from they had acquired the artefacts from the list from traders who lived in a city to the north of the mountains.

The group thought about visiting the town to find out more, but the fact that they would stick out like a sore thumb - not to mention not being able to speak human - was a thorn in the side of that plan.

After a bit of training and some more research about the war of about 500 years ago, they uncovered some more information about the Walashi. They are a dark race whose presence usually forbodes a dark time. When only a few are seen, the threat is still small, but action must be swift to counter its existence. If any are seen, the Hemnat should shoot first and ask questions later. The Master also told J'ahnna about the time the Walashi mounted in number (thousands) and swarmed like locusts on the towns and cities to the far east. In under a day the first city fell - 7000 dead. A few fled to the west to warn of the attack, but the Walashi soon laid bare two more towns. The fight was brought back to the capital and without the Dragons, ther fight would surely have been lost.

At a bit of a loss about the retrieval and pursuit of the artefacts, the group (minus Kal) returned to the monolith and engaged Sable in conversation about learning the Dragon Songs. She said they were welcome to stay in the chambers underground as a safe place while she taught them the old secrets.

The group found out that her kind (the Dreamweavers) once came from a place far beyond the reaches of this world. The group asked if they could visit those realms, but Sable said it would not be possible as she would be unable to call to her kindred to escort the travellers from these shores due to her binding here. One day it may be possible, but not for now. She suggested the group rest and the training could begin tomorrow.

Sable talked more about the Walashi and the Lamashi, their superiors. She didn't say much about the latter, just that they were a far more fearsome foe than the Walashi ever were.

The group headed off to the cave in the hills where the light gate was. Descending, they smelled the amonia-laden stench of a Walashi. Shy-Lone engaged the creature in combat.

It's speed and agility was frightening and could hardly be hit. Valdamean launched a flame arrow at it. This slowly engulfed its back in fire, but it turned itself inside out to try to smother it. Amongst this, Tyr erected a magical shield in front of the stairs to protect against the poison darts that the Walashi could fire from its back.

The fight lasted a few rounds, but Shy-Lone managed to defeat it. However, on the death blow, the creature exploded into a cloud of noxious gas that burned Shy and weakened Valdamean.

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Edited August 24, 2002 7:29 pm by Sarum (diff)