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The Office of Deaths, Exploration & Treasure

 Session:  068 - Wednesday 31st October 2001
 Referee:  Dave "The Claw" Finch
 Location: Valley of Grey Elven Lords, The Wall
 Author:   David Allan Finch

CD/108-10 - 5th to 8th of 6th Month in Year Zero


        Malheiven - Human/M - Cleric/1 - LG

        Tangle - Elf/M - Ranger/1 - CN

        Fingar - Dwarf/M - Fighter/1 - LN

        Lorlyn - Halfling/F - Rogue/1 - N

Encounters: (E1050 each)

    1x Assassin Vine - Killed
    12x Blood Moths - Killed
    2x Dark Bats - Killed
    2x Mummies - Ran Away From
    1x Asp Naga - Killed
    1x Large Fire Trap - Set off
    1x Block Trap - Set off
    Nx Glyphs of Warning - 1x Set off
    1x Large Black Ooze Thing - Set on Fire

Trophies: (N106 each)


The group are ordered to investigate the recently discovered carved wall 1 mile up stream from Christiana.

The get there and find a large area of over grown cliff face with ancient statues and what look like tomb entrances. The group despised to row up stream and climb up the stream part of the wall. Just after the group had 'docked' a large Assassin Vine attempts to eat Tangle. Malheiven using his plant domain powers suppress the man eating plant and the group climb the wall to a tomb entrance, which they call 'base camp.

The first tomb is searched and found to be already cleared out. Close to the desiccated remains of the inhabitants the remains of the gold wall plaques are discovered still in the walls. Fingar started to dig out the several onzes of gold.

Lorlyn starts searching further along the wall. After almost falling off she found a hidden tomb that had not been robbed out. She see a creature or statue guarding the first chamber. Without searching for traps she persuades Malheiven to investigate the guardian. On entry the Naga activates and attacks Malheiven, it is killed. The group then explore the burial room with two sargofigi. 6 large plates of gold are on the wall with several gems in them.

Fingar before traps are searched starts to remove a plate from a wall. He is zapped by a Glyph of Warding. He just survives and then is just about to start again when he notices that it has multiple charges. Means whilst Lorlyn has been investigating the sargofigi, she think that there is some form of trap around them. She easily jumps over it. She then opens one of the sagoffics and the attempt to jump over the trap. Unforchanly for her the fire trap is set off when the two lids hit the floor. Two mummies get up and then start beating the party to a pulp. With Fingar unconcences Malheiven bravely attempts to cure him, when he is also knocked out. The rest of the group some how get there almost dead friends out of the reach of the mummies and climb out of the tomb. They go home to lick thier wounds.

The next day the group recover and get Sir Beau to cast Remove Decease just in case they have caught the dreaded Mummy Rot.

The following day the group feel better and head back to the Wall. As the group is climbing about the wall, they are attacked by blood sucking butterflies, these are delt with after lots of blood is drunk. They search another bit of the wall and Lorlyn finds another tomb entrance in the mouth of a large head. Living there are two Large Bat like creatures. The party kill them after a struggle. Inside the thought of the head it leads down to a large stommake. There are signs that the walls have been robbed of there decoration but there is still stuff left on the wall of the stomake. Lorlyn balancing on a rope was about the investigate when she notices that there is something oil like on the floor. She drops an Alchemical Fire on it. It starts to burn. The ooze thing then starts to climb up the wall and puts inself out in the river and returns.

The group travel back home.


It looks like this area was cleared out before but there is still undiscovered treasure.

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Edited December 1, 2002 11:22 pm by DaveF (diff)