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Ref: NewGallo / DragonStar

The Office of Deaths, Exploration & Treasure

 Session:  109 - Wednesday 15th May 2002
 Referee:  Tim "The Mechanic" Evans
 Location: What goes Up/3
 Author:   Tim Evans

CD/174 = th of th Month in Year Zero


        Filthy Ike - Half Orc/M - Barbarian/2 - CN

        Silverbark = Elf/M = Cleric/2 = N

        Calmert of Highfolk = Half Elf/M = Ranger/2 = LN

        Lady Rhyad de Grances = Elf/F = Paladin/2 = LG

Encounters: (E439 each)

    3x Gnolls (Party Captured one)
    12x Rats
    20x Rats

Trophies: (150N each)

   2x 200N Bracelets Recovered previously.
   1x 200N Compound Long Bow.


The party starts the session, with a captive elf, and the entrance to the elf underground complex. The party decide to see if there is another way out, as this door seems to be unopenable. They go back down to the audience chamber, where there are a number of other exists, all the exists are guarded by elf's, with some sort of pole arm, the party approach one of the other entrance, and the elf's, cross there pole arms, to indicate no entrance. Rhyad, is no put off by this and attempts to slip underneath, as she does show the elf's touch her with there pole arms, there is a discard of energy, and Rhyad, is rendered unconscious. Filthy pull Rhyad away from door, and indicates that he would like to speak to the Albino again, after a few minutes Rhyad recovers, and then the Albino Arrives. Rhyad indicates that she wishes to exchange hostages, there captured Elf for Silverbark. The albion is a bit surprised by the word Hostage, but send a elf to inform Silverbark that his comrades wish to see him.

Meanwhile Silverbark, has been sleeping/mediating in the room, he was show to, he then opens a cupboard hoping to find a Pastry, or something to eat, but only finds a cup of water, which he drinks. He is then shown back to his comrades who seem to be of the opinion that he has been held hostage, and don't seem to take any notice, of Silverbark statement that he was not.

The party then release there captured Elf, and give him back his weapon, the party are then escorted out of the complex. They then decide it might be wise to explore other parts of the city, so they return to the terminus where they arrived, and proceed to go round it, as they come round the corner, Calmert who is on point and searching falls down a hole, the party here a squish noise, and rush over fearing the worst. Calmert is lying at the bottom of the hole with a number of rats, on his back. Filthy through's a rope down to Calmert, and hardly does he have time to grab it, than Filthy, pulls it up, luckily Calmert has a strong grip on the rope, and is pulled up with it, also a number of rats have climbed up, and are attacking the party. Having dispatched the rats, the party cure and clean what wound they can, and then set of again, to continue there travel around the terminus.

The party is approaching the next corner, when Rhyad falls down another whole, because she seems to be having some heated argument with Filthy, and was not watching where she was going. Yet again the party have to pull a party member out of a hole, which is infested with rats. Once they have dispatched this group of rats, and cured and cleaned these new wounds, they decide to head south down a road they have found, just before Rhyad is about to start along the road, Calmert spots some Gnoll coming towards the party, before anybody can react Calmert shots at one, hitting it. The Gnolls now run towards the party, so the party has to run to join them, Rhyad fires a arrow and then runs towards them. as she approaches the combat, a red mist seems to slide before her eyes, and she attacks them with a unusual violence, once the Gnolls are unconscious, the red mist lifts and Rhyad is cannot understand what has just happened to her, was that her attacking with such violence, or was it just a nightmare, and it was really Filthy. Rhyad and Silverbark quickly make sure none of the Gnolls is going to die, and then pick one and decide to take him back to be interrogated by the Governor.

The party now make there way back to the terminus, but as they get there they have a feeling they are being watched, but they cannot see anybody, so they decide to go through the terminus to the building opposite, and see if they can spot anybody. After five minutes of waiting, no one has been seem, they send Calmert into the terminus building to investigate. He returns after a few minutes, and reports that there is nobody there, so they decide to try there luck, and go back to the terminus. As the approach the doorway to New Gallo, they realize that the door is shut. Rhyad goes up and offers a Nobel and the door opens, as the party rush though, they again get the feeling that they are again being watched. Once back in New Gallo, they tell the dwarves to post extra guards at the door. They are then take to see Sir Tsukin.

They present Sir Tsukin with the 2 Bracelets, and the Compound Longbow, and receive 600N in total for the Items. They then summon a priest to translate for the Gnoll, who basically says that they are subjects of the Queen, and they will become part of her Majesties Navy shortly. When asked about what colour the queen was, they were informed that she was Red, that was about as much as he would say, the Party suggested that the Knoll be send back to Gallo for the Duke to question further, Sir Tsukin, has the Gnoll placed in the Stockade while his future is being decide. Yet again when asked if the new world presented a threat to New Gallo the party was split. So Sir Tsukin is likely to send them again, this time with order to see if there are any resources that could be used.

After the meeting with Sir Tsukin, Filthy goes to see the priest for some thing the meeting does not go well to start with, until Filthy picks one the priests up, and explains the situation to him. As Fifthy is leaving he is surprised when he bangs his head on a door frame (and no he did not turn any greener than normal). by the time he gets back to the party he has returned to normal size.

Rhyad is so concerned about what may have caused her to lose control, in the fight with Gnoll, that she goes to the Clerics and has them do a number of different Cures and a Remove curse.

Next Session.. Back to the Future..:)

Sheriff Sir Karl Tsukin OGE <sheriff@newgallo.net>, The Office of New Gallo Law Enforment and Aggressive Defence

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Edited November 30, 2002 6:08 pm by DaveF (diff)