Once Upon A Time In Japan
- Group: [Wednesday Kingson Group], ([Thursday Tolworth Group] Please do not read)
- Referee: DaveF
- System: BushidoRPG
Initial Set Up
- The party have just come of age and before they leave their homes to become wandering adventures, join a school, sign up as a Samurai, or are forced to get married and join the family firms etc. The local [Ujiko] (Kami Society) have chosen the party to take part in the Himachi (Watching the Dawn) at the Boundary Kami's rock.
- all the party members know each other. They come from the same small village called [Tegamura] in [Mimasaka Province] of Southern Honshu Island.
- [Ujiko] and Himachi tend to be status free but that does not mean respect free, it is one of the few places where castes do interact. As Sake tends to be drunk it is also a time where lower castes can ask their betters for favours without reproach and high class individuals did not have to worry so much about their appearance.
- [Ujiko] are all the local families of whatever caste that claim direct descendants from a [Ujigami] (Clan Kami) of a locale. Hence all the party are /nominally related/ but this is really only because there families come from the same village.
Current Situation
- It is now three months later and the party have made an impression on the local area. [Miharu] is now the Priest of the [Ujiko], [Fu Do Komadori] is organising arms sales in to less than reputable markets, [Yuki Ishiro Tokimasa] is required to hide his families growing wealth by managing the clan estates and [Daiginjoshu Chowei] finds himself in the centre of Samurai polities.
- The main character are: [Yuki Ishiro Tokimasa], [Miharu], [Fu Do Komadori], and [Daiginjoshu Chowei]
- For more information see: [Characters]
- There current stories are: [Scores], [Tanuki], [Sword Running and Shrine Duties], [Scolding Waters and Wet Dogs], [...]
- For more information see: [Adventures]
- The [adventures] are set in [the province of Mimasaka] in Southern Honshu which is controlled by the [Koyboshi Clan]
- For more information see: [Background]