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[Thursday Tolworth Group] Please do not read

Part 33 - Carry a big and burning stick

Play date: Wed 04th Jun 2008
Location: [Tegamura (Characters' Home Village)]

Section One - The Party

Characters: [Yuki Ishiro Tokimasa (PeteN)]
Campaign date: ([Taian]) 5th day of Utsuki (4th Luna Month), Year of the Positive Wooden Rat (8 Kitohana)
Weather: [Warm Early Summer Day]

Scene One - Warm Sake

[Tokimasa] had organised party in honour of HihegaBakuSama for the day of the OtaueMatsuri.

The Geisha he had hired from Hokuya arrive in the morning, the madam and three girls set-up during the ritual.

[Tokimasa], HihegaBakuSama and the Geisha have a fine party of sake and music overlooking the new rice whilst the rest of the village has a big party.

Scene Two - Cold Meat

[Tokimasa] notices that DaiginjoshuSama and EjuKosaSama had returned to the village and where having a much less lavish party and there was some stony looks from there direction.

Later when HihegaBakuSama retires [Tokimasa] offers the Geisha to DaiginjoshuSama and EjuKosaSama. They accept but as [Tokimasa] does not seam welcome he retires himself.

Section Two - the Temple Fire

Characters: [Miharu (CathyE)], [Fu Do Komadori (TimE)], [Yuki Ishiro Tokimasa (PeteN)]
Campaign date: ([Shakko]) 6th day of Utsuki (4th Luna Month), Year of the Positive Wooden Rat (8 Kitohana)
Weather: [Warm Early Summer Day]

Scene One - No Smoke without ...

[Komadori] is awake early and is investigating the abandoned inn. There are ten or so Yakuza sleeping and two on guard. He suggested he might be available for hire, they say they are not interested at the moment. He the sees a fire from the center of the village.

He arrives at the fire and see the new Buddhist Temple complex is a light. The are temple guards and villagers starting to put the fire out. He goes to raise more villagers.

Scene Two - Hot Embers

[Red], [Green] and [Blue] Samurai, Yakuza, Peasant Farmers all work together with the temple guard to try to put the fire out.

The party find that the Abbot Suayo is praying to help protect the village from the fire.

There is a [Blue Samurai] that is tied up and under guard it seams that he was seen with a brand near the temple. The temple guard start to kick the Samurai.

Scene Three - Burnt Sacrifices

[Tokimasa] observes the area and the [Blue Samurai] and see that the man is close to death and stops them, he examines him and sees that looks many be drugged and does not have dirty hands that you would expect from some one that had held a burning touch.

[Miharu] attempts to save the [Blue Samurai] but he dies.

A battle between some of the [Red], [Green] and [Blue] Samurai on one side and the temple guards is then started by [Tokimasa] when he accused the temple guards of killing the wrong man.

[Tokimasa] fight heroically and kills the accuser of the samurai that dies.

The rabble of temple guards run off after three of there number are killed.

Scene Four - Stakes Raised!

45mins or later a troup of 50 heavily armed and armoured Sohei march through the village coming from the direction of the road.

The party discuss where they could have come from, had the fire been a setup so that the temple could move in.

The Sohei march towards HihegaBakuSama where the Priest Suayo is being held.

They arrive and demand Suayo is released.

[Komadori] spots that the Sohei have the symbol from the hidden temple complex in the mountains that Kanataka is part of, and then thinks they must have come through the pool. He passes on his deduction to the others.

DaiginjoshuSama and EjuKosaSama arrive with there small group of men, there are now about 50 Samurai of [Red], [Green] and [Blue] KoyboshiClan here now all lightly armed and armour against 50 heavily armed and armoured Sohei.

[Miharu] and [Tokimasa] tell the captain of the Sohei that they will see if they can negotiate with HihegaBakuSama about Suayo.

They are show in to HihegaBakuSama but he does not see why the priest that has had his man killed should be let free. [Tokimasa] suggest that he should review the troups to check on the battle.

After returning to the room HihegaBakuSama summons Suayo and then leaves [Miharu] and [Tokimasa] to talk to him. Suayo know about the Sohei being here but agrees that conflict is not required.

HihegaBakuSama is told by Suayo, that is will announce that his man did not start fire and that the Sohei will leave the village. HihegaBakuSama put Suayo in [Miharu]'s parrol.

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Last edited June 17, 2008 10:33 pm by DaveF (diff)