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Ref: OnceUponATimeInJapan

Ref: OnceUponATimeInJapan & OnceUponATimeInJapanAdventures

Ref: OnceUponATimeInJapan & OnceUponATimeInJapanAdventures

[Thursday Tolworth Group] Please do not read

Part 1 - A Quiet Night

Play date: Wed 21st Feb 2007
Charaters: [Yuki Guhi Iki], [Yuki Ishiro Tokimasa], [Miharu], [Fu Do Komadori]

Scene One - Tea House in TegaVillage

Campaign date: Lesser Hour of Serpent (9am), ([Senbu]) 15th day of Mutsuki (Luna Month 1), Year of the Positive Wooden Rat (8 Kitohana)

The party meet up in the Tea House for a morning brew, as normal when they do not have family duties.
It is a small building with a mud packed floor for the Heimin to sit around a fire pit and a raised scrubbed wooden area for the Buke.
They discuss that they have instructed by the [Ujiko] to do a Himachi tonight.
[Iki] thinks it will be cold tonight up by the [Ujigami], so carries wood to the rock, so they will be warm.
[Tokimasa] plays his Biwa and ignore the rest of the group.
[Komadori] gambles with anyone interested.

Scene Two - The Kami Rock

Campaign date: Lesser Hour of Rat (23:55)

The Boundary Rock of the [Ujigami] is 8 miles or so from the village at the top of a bluff. It is surrouned by marshy valleys with heavy wooded, steep and rough terrain. A cold and wet place even at the best time of year.

[Komadori] has taken some sake with him as he thinks it will be a good time to have a party.
The temperature drops to near frezing and they light a fire to keep out the cold.
The group think that it might be fun to entertain each other so:
[Miharu] wonders if they have ritually cleansed themselves and if [Iki] should have climbed on the Kami's rock when they here sounds of combat from the next valley.

Scene Three - Death in a Valley

Campaign date: Greater Hour of Rat (00:05), ([Butsumetsu]) 16th day of Mutsuki

[Tokimasa], [Iki] and [Komadori] go to investigate. They find in the next valley some people fighting. One is killed the other runs down the valley. There is a cry from a woman futher down the stream. [Iki] tries to stop the one on the valley floor from dyeing and called haraiua. [Tokimasa] and [Komadori] sets off after the other one. The cut down man says with what seams like his dyeing last breaths to [Iki] "to save her Ladyship". Itchy sets of after the other.

Scene Four - A Lady Attacked

Campaign date: Greater Hour of Rat (00:10)

[Tokimasa] and [Komadori] arrived to see a well dress Samurai closing on a peasant girl, she has a tanto drawn. There is another Samurai dead at her feet.

[Miharu] arrived at the dying man she has no powers strong enough to stop his bleeding, he dies and she runs towards to combat after a moment or twos thought.

[Tokimasa] and [Komadori] attempt to distract the Samurai from attacking the girl.
[Iki] from a distance fires an arrow at the Samurai he then charges. The other [Tokimasa] and [Komadori] retreat.
[Iki] is cut down by the Samurai but badly cut him. Another girl charges from the swampy area that the stream flows into, towards to Samurai with a blood covered tanto.
[Tokimasa] and [Komadori] try to get the screaming girl out of there.
The second girl stabs the Samurai in the back and he falls dead.
[Miharu] arrived and after charming the first girl they all move into the tree to hide.

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Last edited May 7, 2008 11:37 am by DaveF (diff)