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Karma Points

Each session that a Hero acts towards the gods of their patrons they gain Karma Points. These points can be spent on asking for Hero Powers for the character.

For Example:

Lets take an example 'Run like the wind'. This would allow a character to run faster than a horse and with no stamina loss. This is a reasonable 'super natural gift' and first well in the Nobilis/Janus? rules.

The ruling now is that, unless this is a direct gift from god (i.e. like the firely blade) then you must have the less mundane gift (or feat) first.

So firstly, before a character can buy 'Run like the wind' they must already have the 'Fast Runner' feat (for example).

Secondly, for all 'Heroes' rather than 'Supernatural Entities' these gifts are 'Not Common' (that makes the more expensive) but they always require 'One Aspect Miracle Point' to activate (this reduced it back to the original cost). NOTE some very expensive gifts can be bought by reducing the kp cost, by increasing the number of points it cost you to use, or other limitation like 'only works on tuesdays in a storm' etc.

BTW - The Domain Gifts are direct gifts from your god and hence by pass the requirement to have the mundane feat first.

As a second example lets take the Supernatural Gift 'Durant' this gift normally costs 3kp, it mades your body harder, reduces the damage you take, and you heal more quickly. In the new rules you now need the feat Toughness first (3kp) which gives you another wound slot (*). You then can buy Durant (3kp).

gain all the other advantages of a high Aspect stat.

Yep Shapeshifting or Polymorph Self would work and is part of Nobilis standard rules already. There are several variants you can have:

a) Two specified animal/humaniod shapes, these cost 1 AMP to change (3kp) b) Any animal/humaniod, cost 1 AMP to do (6kp) c) Any animal/humaniod, costs 2 AMP (3kp)

Amominations (rather than huge creatures) do not count as an animal and can't be polymorph to (this is because they are part of the Domain of Monsters and 'John' would be upset).

If you want to include other sorts of planer humaniods then the cost is double.

If you want the disguiss to fool The Sight, ie not look magical then you must pick a protection level (1-5) and add that level times 3.

(I hope that this makes the flexability of the system obvious to the rest of the players as well).

Polymoph Others would also be possible but it is 'chained' off Polymoph Self.

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Edited June 24, 2004 5:02 pm by (diff)