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Ref: NewGallo / DragonStar / OffDET106

The Office of Deaths, Exploration & Treasure

 Session:  106 - Wednesday 24th Apr 2002
 Referee:  Tim "The Mechanic" Evans
 Title:    Pony Express / 3
 Author:   Tim Evans
 Previous: OffDET105
 Next:     OffDET107

CD/171 = th of th Month in Year Zero


        Filthy Ike - Half Orc/M - Barbarian/1 - CN

        Silverbark = Elf/M = Cleric/2 = N

        [Calmert of Highfolk]? = Half Elf/M = Ranger/2 = LN

        [Klick the Monk]? = Halfling/M = Monk/2 = LN

        [Lady Rhyad de Grances]? = Elf/F = Paladin/1 = LG

Encounters: (E930 each)

    11x Wild Dogs
    11x Kolbolds
    4x Orcs
    8x Gnolls
    5x Elfs (Released)


    12 Carbon Fibre Arrows (.1N Each)


The party was summoned by Sir Tsukin, who ordered them to investigate if the world found under the Dwarven Guild represents a danger to New Christiana, he gives them One Nobel to pay there way, and a note to get them into the Dwarven Guild.

The party then go to the Dwarven Guild, where after a certain amount of discursion they are taken very a complicated route through the guild, Klink draws arrows on the wall so he can see how often they circle before getting to the Gateway. Once they get to the Gateway, there are still dwarves attempting to get the gold out of the floor. Ryhad touches the Nobel to the wall which opens, and the Nobel disappears.

The party now enter the new world...

Klick climbs up the building they were attacked from last visit, to get a better view, of the surrounding area, once up there he spots a very tall building of to the north west, so the party decide to head that way, as it will give them the best view of the city. On route to the tower the stumble across a pack of wild dogs, which attack them, to little effect.

As they approach the large tower they see there is a smaller tower in front of it, so they decide to explore this first, as they enter the bottom floor then encounter a group of Kobolds, who are living here, a brief fight occurs. Once the fight is over Klick goes for a walk around the base of the smaller tower, but as he does so he is shot at from building opposite. He rushes to the building shouting fro backup, the rest of the party pick up tables to use as large shields, and move across the gap to the building with the archers, the tables take a few hits, but know damage is done. The party then rush the archers (Ocrs), and kill them, and recover a few more Carbon Fiber arrows.

As the party is exploring the roof of the building, they spot a group of 8 creatures with 5 elf prisoners. The party shoot at the creatures, the creatures split into 2 groups, 3 creatures take the prisoners into the building opposite, and 5 creatures enter the building the party are in. The party set a ambush at the top of the stairs, unfortunately there was more than one set of stairs to the roof, so the party was a bit surprised when the creatures came round a corner behind them on the roof. The creatures were using some sort of stun ability to attempt to knock the party out, Calmert and Silverbark where knocked out, but the rest of the group managed to overcome the creatures. The party then descended to ground level, at when to attack the remaining 3, a fight occurred, and the remain 3 were killed, the party then released the Elves and tried to communicate with them, with no success, the Elves seem to speak a Harsh Guttural Language, that no one understood. Klink gave them some food, which they did not like, he then tried some wine, which they drank. after a few more attempts to communicate they let the Elves leave, the party then decided to report back to Sir Tsukin, the consensus, seemed to be we don't know, needs more investigation.

Sheriff Sir Karl Tsukin OGE <sheriff@newgallo.net>, The Office of New Gallo Law Enforment and Aggressive Defence

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Edited January 2, 2003 1:21 am by TimE (diff)