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Ref: OnceUponATimeInJapan

[Thursday Tolworth Group] Please do not read

Part 26 - Tanuki

Play date: Wed 09th Mar 2008
Characters: [Miharu], [Fu Do Komadori]
Campaign date: ([Sensho]) 1th day of Utsuki (4th Luna Month), Year of the Positive Wooden Rat (8 Kitohana)
Weather: Warm Early Summer Day
Location: [Tegamura (Characters' Home Village)]

Scene One - Missing Sake

[Miharu] want to praise the [Ujiko] main kami UjigamiTegaSama. She and [Komadori] head to the local Inn to buy some Sake.

When there they find that some Bandits broken in the Inn last night and stole all the Sake and food. The Innkeeper is made because he pays the local Yakuza clan ([Komadori's] father) money to stop this sort of thing from happening.

They investigate and find that the store has been broken into with looks like claws. There are also dog like marks outside the Inn.

They follow the trail and it leads out of the village on one of the lesser used paths.

Scene Two - Mud Slide

After they have been walking for quater of an hour they are walking on one side of a valley covered in a bamboo forest, they hear some laughter and come across a large mud slide blocking the path. [Miharu] tries to walk across and slips down about 10m before grabbing on. [Komadori] starts to make a bridge out of bamboo. [Miharu] see a Tanuki looking at her and resolves to catch it, she gets across and finds it gone. She washes herself in the stream and waits for [Komadori].

[Miharu] notice a ravern like bird looking at her. Once [Komadori] arrives she True Sights the bird and sees some kind of spirit watching them though the Raven. It leaves.

Scene Three - The Party

[Miharu] and [Komadori] head back to the village looking of signs of where the Sake barrel went. The find a path leading off the main path that has been concealed.

After climbing the side of the valley and coming down into another large bowl shaped valley they find the remains of the food and sake. And what looks like the mess that a teenage party might leave.

Scene Four - The Tree

In the centre of the natural bowl is a gigantic try. 50m diameter canopy. It is surround on 270 degrees by a marsh.

They start to collect together the stuff to return when a small band of Tanuki turn up. They tell them that it is there Sake.

The take what the sake barrel. They head to an old Shrine and continue there party.

Scene Five - The Old Shrine

[Miharu] and [Komadori] return back to [Tegamura]. [Miharu] asks her father about the tree and is told it is a Kami and that it needs it sacred bamboo rope restoring as it has not done for some time. [Komadori] talks to his father and they agree that something must be done, he allow [Komadori] to take 5 of there men to deal with the Tanuki.

[Miharu] and [Komadori] measure the tree to find out how much rope will be needed.

They then go to the Old Shrine. One of the Tanuki befuddles [Komadori] and most of the Yakuza. [Miharu] bets the leader of the Tanuki.

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Edited April 22, 2008 12:26 pm by DaveF (diff)