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Ref: OnceUponATimeInJapan & OnceUponATimeInJapanAdventures

[Thursday Tolworth Group] Please do not read

Part 31 - Rice Rustlers

Play date: Wed 12st May 2008
Characters: [Miharu (CathyE)], [Fu Do Komadori (TimE)], [Yuki Ishiro Tokimasa (PeteN)]
Campaign date: Evening of the ([Butsumetsu]) 4th day of Utsuki (4th Luna Month), Year of the Positive Wooden Rat (8 Kitohana)
Weather: Warm Early Summer Day
Location: [Tegamura (Characters' Home Village)]

Opening Credits - Movement in the night

There are people leaving a building, it is dark, there are many hand grabbing for things, there are many lights around ...

Scene One - Dusk

[Komadori] is spending time with his father discussing trade.

[Miharu] is returning home after purifying herself when she and [Tokimasa] see lights in the paddy fields. They go an investigate, as they approch the lights go out and they hear people leaving. When they get they find that about 1/2 of the rice shoots that are to blessed in the next morning are gone.

[Miharu] goes back to the village to get help whist [Tokimasa] hides to see if anyone comes back.

Scene Two - Mob Rule

[Miharu] and [Komadori] return to the seedimg paddy fields with 8 angry farmers. The search the field and find tracks from large person leading off. The large person and maybe ten children head towards the main road through the valley. Once there they loose the tracks. There is then some discussion about whom could be behind this outrage:

The Blue Samurai
The Tanuki
The Bakemono
The Arakami

After more searching the trail starts again near the path that leads to another village. The party remeber that this leads towards the Tanuki and Ancient Tree, [Komadori] leads the way.

They find 4 bundled of rice sproats but no tanuki and the rest of the rice is missing.

After spending some time looking [Tokimasa] thinks that the large person walk backwards over his tracks out of the area. He then find where he jump off the trail and hide for while. There is then a clear trail back towards the village.

At the road the group reconsiders that it must not have been the Tanuki but they have been setup. Having no more clues they head towards the hiden cave expecting that the Bakemono, if it is them, will have returned with there spoils.

Once there they find that there is evidence of a lot of movement but it is all from people leaving the cave.

Real Life

guardian.co.uk: [Farmers fall prey to rice rustlers as price of staple crop rockets]

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Edited May 22, 2008 5:35 pm by DaveF (diff)